3516B Diesel Generator Set with Dynamic Gas Blending
Engine Specifications
Aspiration | Turbocharged-Aftercooled |
Bore | 6.69 in |
Displacement | 4211 in³ |
Emissions/Fuel Strategy | Non-certified |
Engine Control and Protection | ADEM A4 |
Frequency - Speed | 50 Hz (1500 rpm) |
Fuel System | EUI |
Generator | SR4B |
Generator Set Control | EMCP 4.4 |
Manifold Type | Dry |
Maximum Rating | 1600 ekW (2000 kVA) |
Minimum Rating | 1600 ekW (2000 kVA) |
Stroke | 7.48 in |
Capacity for Liquids
Cooling System - Engine | 62 gal (US) |
Fuel | CNG, LNG, field gas, natural gas with diesel |
Lube Oil System - Refill | 107 gal (US) |
Height | 99.5 in |
Length | 260.6 in |
Weight | 41888 lb |
Width | 94.4 in |