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Switchgear and Paralleling Controls

Generator switchgear controls, protects and isolates electrical equipment. Our paralleling switchgear is available in low-voltage, medium-voltage, and high-voltage configurations to automatically start, synchronize and parallel generators with the load.

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From monitoring and controlling standby/load management to multi-unit utility paralleling installations, whether you're on- or off-site, our switchgear is engineered to manage your power system. Automatic Transfer Switches, range from 30A to 5000A and are designed to seamlessly redirect power between your main and backup sources. It's control for continuous power and continued safety.

Switchgear and Paralleling Controls

  • Cat Switchgear
    Cat Switchgear


  • Cat Customizable Switchgear and Controls
    Cat Customizable Switchgear and Controls

    Application-specific switchgear with control logic designed to meet any customer's sequence of operations. Examples are 3+ Utilities, CHP applications, complex load shed schemes, etc

    Modes of Operation
    All modes of paralleling generator sets to each other and to other sources (utility, alternative fuels, wind, etc) can be supported. Caterpillar generation and control experts can design and program the most complex power schemes to meet your critical power needs

    LV and MV ( 208V - 38 kV) 50 / 60 Hz

  • Cat EGP Switchgear
    Cat EGP Switchgear

    Configurable PLC based switchgear capable of controlling and monitoring multiple generator sets, tie and load breakers in conjunction with downstream transfer switches for standby or emergency applications

    Modes of Operation
    Multi-unit Island and multi-unit standby mode with optional redundant controls and components.

    LV and MV (208V - 38 kV)

  • Cat XLM Switchgear
    Cat XLM Switchgear

    Configurable PLC based switchgear capable of controlling and monitoring multiple generator sets, tie, utility and load breakers for utility paralleling applications

    Modes of Operation
    Emergency Standby, Utility Import/Export, Peak shaving, and base load operations with redundant controls and components. Closed transition to/from generator power

    LV and MV ( 208V - 38 kV

  • EMCP 4.4 Master Control Panel
    EMCP 4.4 Master Control Panel

    Remote monitoring and control for up to 8 generator sets via high-speed network. Enables paralleling a group of EMCP 4.4 equipped generator sets to a single utility source.

    Modes of Operation
    Emergency standby, island, utility paralleling

    LV and MV (208V - 38 kV)

  • Engine Paralleling and Integration Control (EPIC)
    Engine Paralleling and Integration Control (EPIC)

    Remote modular paralleling control system (Master Control Panel for the first 2 generator sets and optional tie breaker, separate add-on control panels for up to 8 additional generator sets, utility paralleling control, and distribution control)

    Modes of Operation
    Emergency Standby with redundant master control, Utility paralleling, peak shaving, and closed transition to/from Generator Power (with optional utility control panel)

    LV and MV (208V-27kV)

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